The Twin Flame Dilemma: Why I Chose to Stop Offering Twin Flame Advice
The twin flame concept is often intermingled with the idea of the soulmate. While both types of relationships can bring about intense life changes, the twin flame concept often leads to an unhealthy attachment to the idea of someone being “The One.” Now, I’m not discouraging anyone from seeing their partner as their soulmate, especially those of you in healthy and thriving relationships. However, I aim to help you understand the common dynamics within the twin flame connection and journey, and explain why I let go of my own twin flame journey and stopped providing services around manifesting twin flames. What is a Twin Flame? According to individual accounts from those who have experienced such a profound connection, a twin flame connection is an intense soul connection where one (or both) believes their partner to be their “other half” or “mirror soul.” Individuals who have experienced this connection claim to feel an incredible depth due to shared pains, traumas, thoughts, ideas, and